Small Spaces for Growing 3 Lil Hearts

1-paintingsMy dream of having an art ‘studio’ materialised only after we moved into our second house. There was this ‘room’ space which was in between the 2 rooms where there wasn’t any windows. It became the kids’ Art exhibition space and space to simply CREATE.

Before, we had NO storage cabinets nor shelves and the house looked like a storage hole. Learning from experience, we had LOTS of built in cabinets and storage areas which made our current home vastly pleasant to live in!

Along the way, E outgrew and spoilt her cot which was converted to an Art Mobile Station.

On the left, I created an exhibit wall which I update when there’s better works done. The right side of this ‘room’ is the below photo.


Along the years we’ve had different kinds of boxes collected from our void decks. This is I think the 4th mega box. It’s like their own space for imaginative and free play. The below photo was a set up in 2014 Christmas. I love this space as it provides endless possibilities of any set ups with just an Ikea White Shower Curtain. : )


More examples of how they use this CREATE Space.


The Ikea table for their paintings and creating stuffs.


The rare find of this chalk board below my void deck which the kids cleaned up to be re-used. : )

create 2

The wall map of the world which we constantly go to whenever we are in doubt of a country’s geography.


This is our bright living room area and as you can see, we have a built in cabinet which we keep toys and bags and sports stuffs. This area serves well as a table to place their library books in the white DIY cardboard box shelf (so that it doesn’t get lost with home books), a basketful of Geronimo Stilton books borrowed from a friend, hang flashcards and the noticeboard/chalkboard for J to learn his music and a corner for piggy banks. Plus the special  a Jar of Stars, Not Scars as a visible reminder to be patient and encouraging to my kids.


Initially it was a board for learning days of the week. Now it’s for music. To know how and why I did this mega music sheet, click here.


This is the boys’ room. Their bedbunk was white. Now it’s not. : ) The top is owned by A who puts his medals, special toy and certificate at the top of the stair to show to whom that bed belongs. Below is only a segment of the books we own… and a space for J to place his belongings.


1-IMG_2182This is the wall in my study room. We installed a white board in view that this would be where I teach. Now it’s become my notice board reminders for important events and stuffs from their schools.

Below is a ceramic mural that I made during my NIE days while doing my Art Ceramic course. It is my father’s Sir Name. Done as a tribute and healing recovery process. I am so glad it finally could be put up in my current house!

The below photo is our daily Study Table.


This Front Book Shelf was given to us by our relative and this became their selections for the weeks where I rotate the books that we have so that all the books get read. Prior to this, I made a DIY Front Book shelf using the baby cot bar.


After hopping on last minute onto this Blog Train on Small Spaces by Justina from Mum in the Making, it rekindled this deep satisfaction and gratefulness unto the Lord for this home space we live in. I am also thankful that my hubby made the decision to move. Thank God for the smooth transit- We managed to move in and unpacked just 2 weeks before E was born!  : )


Have a peek at how other small spaces bloom by clicking the Bernie Button below. : )

Small spaces logo

intro Next on the train is Veron from Mumzilla. A full-time working mum of two boys who likes traveling, photography, and outdoor activities with her husband and children.
She resigned from her previous job to spend three months overseeing the renovation of their humble home, right from key collection to sourcing for contractors and adding the finishing touches.


Do you have any dream spaces like I did? Was it fulfilled or still yet to come? : )

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  1. Lol on the bed was white and now it’s not!!!!! I love that you have a dedicated creative area. I would love to but now it is the dining table. Which is so fun!

  2. The art mobile station is such a cool idea of recycling the baby cot. Like your dedicated space at create! Now that I’m packing my craft room, it’s given me an idea to dedicate an area for Sopgie to create alongside me 🙂

    • Thanks Susan, I saw this idea of converting into a desk, so I made it into Art station so that it’s low and accessible for them to take stuffs on their own. Looking forward to Sophie and your creative work areas! Jiayou!

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